“Swinging Island” is an erotic comic book series created by Andrew Tarusov, a Russian-born artist known for his pin-up illustrations and erotic art. The series explores themes of sexual freedom and liberation, focusing on the adventures of a couple, Grant and Betty, who, during their seaside vacation, encounter Rita—a liberated island girl. Rita introduces them to various sexual practices, including swinging and candaulism, leading the trio into a series of sensual experiences.
The narrative delves into the couple’s journey of overcoming fears and insecurities by exploring their sexuality with Rita and Ricko, another attractive pair. This exploration unfolds in a playful, sex-positive atmosphere, emphasizing themes of sexual exploration and liberation.
The comic has been well-received for its engaging storytelling and high-quality artwork. Originally published in English with the support of a Kickstarter campaign, “Swinging Island” has also been translated into French, expanding its reach to a broader audience.